dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2019

Innovation for climate action . EIT Climate-KIC

Innovation for climate action

 EIT Climate-KIC es la principal plataforma de innovación en el ámbito europeo en cuanto al cambio climático, el medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Transforming ideas into climate-positive businesses Read More
Transforming ideas into climate-positive businesses We support innovation, whatever its source: from large corporations, research institutes and public bodies through to start-ups and individual entrepreneurs. Our incubator programme, Accelerator, gives structure and assistance to start-ups and SMEs. Through initiatives like our 24-hour hackathon Climathon, or our cleantech ideas platform Climate Launchpad, we encourage fresh new thinking from beyond the mainstream to build a movement of climate action.


Research and Innovation

EIT Climate-KIC is uniquely placed to overcome the challenges of bringing climate-focused innovation to market. 
We work on an innovation model of knowledge exchange and technology transfer called the knowledge helix. In this model, there are flows of knowledge and experimental learning between government, academia, industry, and civil society, feeding back on strategy and decision-making to create socially accountable policies and practices. This model of innovation and knowledge exchange aims to:
  • connect expertise with resources and know-how
  • help sectors overcome information silos and gaps in knowledge and information
  • help reduce the risk associated with innovation by being the first to invest and support
  • nurture the most innovative ideas and apply scientific insight to commercial contexts
The knowledge helix
Explore our Pathfinder, Demonstrator and Scaler programmes below and find out how innovation investment can help your business or sector to maximise its knowledge potential to become a market leader.
  •  https://www.climate-kic.org/programmes/research-innovation/

 Transforming ideas into climate-positive businesses We support innovation, whatever its source: from large corporations, research institutes and public bodies through to start-ups and individual entrepreneurs. Our incubator programme, Accelerator, gives structure and assistance to start-ups and SMEs. Through initiatives like our 24-hour hackathon Climathon, or our cleantech ideas platform Climate Launchpad, we encourage fresh new thinking from beyond the mainstream to build a movement of climate action.

Stimulating the energy and enthusiasm of entrepreneurs to lead the charge with new climate-positive business models is a powerful way to address climate change across sectors and systems. We identify, support and invest in entrepreneurs through every stage of innovation, helping them move from initial concepts, through testing and demonstration to achieve commercial scale. 
Our programmes have supported more than 2,000 start-ups, making the EIT Climate-KIC start-up community one of the largest worldwide. Our start-ups are leaders in their fields. In the last three years, almost 20 Climate-KIC backed entrepreneurs have been honoured in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list.
Explore our ideas competitions Climate Launchpad and Climathon, and business incubation programmes Greenhouse and Accelerator below.

  • https://www.climate-kic.org/programmes/entrepreneurship/ 

Making an impact

 The global community needs giant leaps forward to avoid catastrophic climate change. Staying within a 2 °C rise in warming demands radical changes to the way we use natural resources, materials and energy, to our built environment, our mobility, or the way we grow and consume food.
Our vision is for a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a net zero-carbon, circular economy. This is a new climate-conscious economy, where finance flows to green projects and activities, and where motivated people are empowered with the skills and capacity they need to take action.
This can only be achieved through wholesale systemic change – change that encompasses not just the technical and material, but regulation, governance structures, values and mindsets.

The systems we need to change

Climate-KIC works on transformative, systemic innovation that involves many connected innovations developing in parallel to trigger a shift in the system. We aim to take good ideas, products or services from niche to mainstream to reach a tipping point and create maximum impact.
Guided by the Paris Agreement, our advisors and our community, Climate-KIC has identified cities, land use and manufacturing as the three major systems, where, if change were triggered wholesale and emissions reduced, would have the most potential in realising a climate-resilient society and net-zero carbon economy.
Our approach is to carve out space for experimentation by piloting, testing and scaling. We learn from these pilots by observing the change and recalibrating our approach in response to our insights.
Theory of Change

Impact goals

We are working along pathways to produce the outcomes and impacts needed in these three major systems by 2030. These impacts will help get us on track with avoiding dangerous climate change. These pathways are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set in 2015. They are:

Area of Focus

Impact Goal

Urban Transitions

1. Promote retrofit and decentralised energy
2. Create green, resilient cities
3. Accelerate clean urban mobility

Sustainable Land Use

4. Make agriculture climate-smart
5. Transform food systems
6. Nurture forests in integrated landscapes

Sustainable Production Systems

7. Recast materials production
8. Reduce industry emissions
9. Reboot regional economies

Decision Metrics and Finance

10. Mainstream climate in financial markets
11. Democratise climate risk information
12. Foster bankable green assets in cities


La principal plataforma de innovación en el ámbito europeo en cuanto al cambio climático

En este sentido, la CEO de EIT Climate-KIC expuso que trabajan en proyectos muy diferentes, para resolver problemas de ciudades que no han sido diseñadas para vivir con gran concentración de población, que están cerca del mar, con riesgo de inundaciones, o que no están preparadas para soportar temperaturas de 40 grados y tienen un riesgo muy elevado de sequía o falta de agua.
Actualmente, EIT Climate-KIC es la principal plataforma de innovación en el ámbito europeo en cuanto al cambio climático, el medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad. Cuenta con una red de oficinas en 28 países, entre ellos España, y más de 400 partners entre empresas, gobiernos, universidades y centros de investigación para ayudar a la emprendeduría en la transición hacia la adaptación y la mitigación de los efectos de la crisis climática.
En España, EIT Climate-KIC está desarrollando proyectos en diferentes lugares. En el puerto de Valencia, ciudad donde se encuentra la sede de EIT Climate-KIC Spain; en Andalucía, impulsando la desalinización para hacer frente a la escasez de agua; o en la ciudad de Mondragón, en el País Vasco, haciendo una apuesta por reconvertir la industria del acero en energías renovables bajo la batuta del movimiento cooperativo y de una nueva gobernanza basada en el principio de la comunidad.
En Málaga, precisamente, se están construyendo los primeros trenes de gran alta velocidad ‘hyperloop’, que circularán a más de mil kilómetros por hora y están concebidos como una alternativa al tráfico aéreo para cubrir grandes distancias dentro de Europa. Barcelona ha sido elegida por la Unión Europea para acoger Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), encargada de desarrollar las innovaciones en movilidad urbana al menos hasta el 2026. Esta plataforma contará con una financiación de 1.600 millones de euros y se ubicará en una antigua fábrica en el distrito 22 @ del Poblenou.
  • https://www.bbva.com/es/la-innovacion-no-es-suficiente-necesitamos-una-profunda-transformacion-social/
  • https://www.climate-kic.org/

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